My name is Qisen Yang(杨淇森). I am a graduate student at UC San Diego Creativity Lab, advised by Prof. Haijun Xia. My research interests focus on the intersection of Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction, especially how to use visualization techniques to facilitate the process of data fetching and data analysis.
Previously, I entered Turing Class( Chu Kochen Honors College ), Zhejiang University and obtained my Bachelor’s degree in CS. During my undergraduate, I work closely with Prof. Zhutian Chen at VCG, Prof. Yingcai Wu at ZJUIDG, Prof. Huamin Qu at HKUST VisLab
📖 Educations
2023.09 - present, Graduate Student, Cognitive Science, UC San Diego.
2019.08 - 2023.06, Undergraduate, Computer Science with Honor, Zhejiang Univeristy.
🔥 News
- 2023.11: Attend my first in-person conference UIST’23@San Froncisco, CA
- 2023.09: 🎉🎉 NeighViz was accepted by VDS 2023.
- 2023.01: 🎉🎉 One paper about gaze-moderated visualization on augmenting sports video was accepted by CHI 2023. We will open source later!
- 2022.07: 🎉🎉 One paper about visualization in argument sports video was accepted by IEEE VIS 2022. My first co-authored paper!
💻 Research Experience
2023.9 - present Graduate Student Researcher, Creativity Lab, UC San Diego
2022.09 - 2023.4 Undergradute Visiting Research Intern, VisLab, HKUST
Advised by Prof. Huamin Qu. I will work with Yifang Wang to find some interesting interactions between VIS and social computing, especially on voting history.
2022.01 - 2022.09 Research Intern, VCG, SEAS@Harvard
Lead by Hanspeter Pfister, I first work with Zhutian Chen on exploring how to leverage commentary to create augmented sports videos, which is the future work of “Augmenting Sports Videos with VisCommentator”. And then we try to find ways to help casual fans better understand basketball games using gaze-moderated embedded visualization.
2021.04 - 2022.05 Student Research Training Project, Zhejiang University
Advised by Prof. Yingcai Wu at ZJUIDG, we focus on “Tac-Pair: visual analytics of anticipation skills for players”, and developed a system: AnticiViz, using visualization tools to help sports and trainers better understand anticipation behavior of sports.
📝 Publications
NeighViz: Towards Better Understanding of Neighborhood Effects on Social Groups with Spatial Data
Yue Yu, Yifang Wang*, Qisen Yang, Di Weng, Yongjun Zhang, Xiaogang Wu, Yingcai Wu, Huamin Qu VDS 2023 (Visualization in Data Science at IEEE VIS)
iBall: Augmenting Basketball Videos with Gaze-moderated Embedded Visualizations
Zhutian Chen, Qisen Yang, Jiarui Shan, Tica Lin, Johanna Beyer, Haijun Xia, and Hanspeter Pfister, CHI 2023
Sporthesia: Augmenting Sports Videos Using Natural Language
Zhutian Chen, Qisen Yang, Xiao Xie, Johanna Beyer, Haijun Xia, Yingcai Wu, and Hanspeter Pfister, VIS 2022
🎖 Honors and Awards
- “Campus Star” of College of Computer Science and Technology (10 out of ~500)
- 2020-2021 Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship
- Second-prize Scholarship of Zhejiang University(for 2 consecutive years)
- Leading Scholarship of Chu KoChen Honors College(for 2 consecutive years)
- 2021 MCM/ICM Honorable Mention
🏢Campus Experience
2021-present Associate counsellor, College of Computer Science and Technology
2020-2021 President of Chu KoChen College Student Union